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Theertha Prabandha

Theertha Prabandha of Saint Vadiraja is published in Kannada and Sanskrit PDF Format

Theertha Prabandha, Unique work of Saint Vadiraja, no doubt, is the Greatest and the Best Pilgrimage Guide. Not only, it sequences the Theerthas and Kshetras, it depicts, what one should really perceive when one luckily visits such places with great difficulty. It brings out all facts that one should understand and appreciate, if such Pilgrimage should be meaningful. It highlights the history, significance and the greatness of the presiding deity of such Pilgrim centers. The Mystic and Poetic beauty of each and every verse, trances the reader with holistic spell, as they are coupled with spiritual establishments. Being Bhavi Sameera himself, it is no wonder, he has exhibited transcendental knowledge of such a great magnitude, in what appears to be a simple Pilgrimage stuff. Poetic excellence, one enjoys on reading it, is only to be experienced. Words, can be no medium to express such joy. Here is this Attachment in kannada PDF Format. Enjoy !!
TirthaPrabhandha-2nd Edition




  1. Thank you for posting the Telugu Transliteration of Theertha Prabandha. I wish the purport also was given for people like us who can read, but can not understand Sanskrit.

  2. Chaithra Bharadwaj says:

    Thank you so much for posting this. Definitely Vyasa-Madhwa and Vadiraja will bless you.

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