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Nyayaratnavali of Sri Vadiraja Gurusarwabhowmaru is published in Kannada and Sanskrit PDF downloadable format.


Sri Vadiraja holds an accredited position in the philosophy of Sri Madhwacharya. He is the most facile writer in Dwaita literature His fine poetic faculty and human touch, the quick flashes of his wit and humor, his apt analogies from life and literature, and his racy way of putting things have made him the most popular and enthusiastically applauded writer in dwaita literature.

He is known for his scintillating exposition of the doctrines and arguments of Dwaita Philosophy and its interpretation of the Srutis with all the poetic graces of pun, alliteration and rhyme and for his fascinating critique of rival theories of Advaita school with his inimitable sallies of wit, humor and irony which make their appeal irresistible.

This work (The Jewel Necklace of Logical Arguments) of Sri Vadiraja, is refutation of Sri Sankara’s Non-Dualism. It has 901 versus (each thirty-two syllables long) in the anustubh meter.This Nyayaratnavali is more or less a miniature edition of his own metrical Magnum opus the YUKTIMALLIKA. It Is divided into five “SARAS” (Sections), as against the 5379 verses of Yuktimallika. The poetry, polemical flavor, and to certain extent, the actual arguments are the same in both works. As for the style of the work, it is alliterative and epigrammatical and elliptical. The work is highly condensed and indeed more like sutras. It bristles with artful indignation.

Sri Vadiraja tries to flabbergast his opponents by clever and judicious mixture of theology and metaphysics. His homely analogies and persuasive rhetoric make an instantaneous appeal to the reader. Anyone interested in putting Non-Dualism to the twin philosophical tests of internal consistency and reality-consistency could hardly do better than acquaint himself with VAdiraja’s Merciless dialectic. His methodology is of the most modern and potentially devastating sort. It is what Western philosophers call the “reduction ad absurdum” and what Indian philosophers picturesquely describe as ” slaying one’s enemy with his own sword”.

Vadiraja asks his rival auditors to take seriously the necessary implications of their own philosophy

This work is a feast for Jignasu. Undoubtedly it is a treat to ponder. Let’s delve into it and enjoy by clicking the links below:




  1. […] The main part is in English, while the supplement contains the original text in Sanskrit. If you are interested in the original text in Sanskrit/Kannada, you can also find it on […]

  2. SANJEEV KUMAR G.N. says:

    many thanks for sharing the Nyayaratnavali of HH Vadirajateertharu in PDF format. I am and will be waiting for the literature of HH in PDF format. I wish to study all the literary works of HH made in Sanskrit Language.

    Om namO bhagavatE hayavadanAya.

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